
Hi, I’m Hanna!

That’s right, Hanna without the extra h on the end. Don’t forget it! Welcome to my little corner of the internet. I’m a 28 year old Minnesotan, cancer survivor, keynote speaker, dog mom, and wannabe blogger.


Now, I’ll warn you, I am no health guru, travel enthusiast, certified foodie, or profound writer. So, if that’s what you’re looking for you, you should probably stop here. I’m just a girl, learning to thrive beyond cancer and its limitations and hoping to help others along the way.


A dog that survived getting hit by a train and sparked a social media outpouring of support has found a new forever home. The German Shepherd’s new owner, Hanna Hughes, says…

Hanna went from not knowing a thing about sled hockey to being an on-ice star with the Minnesota Wild and Team USA sled squads…

Cancer isn’t going to wait. It doesn’t care how old you are, what race you are, your gender, or if you are otherwise healthy. So, my advice is… you shouldn’t wait either…